The Other Side
We rarely come into contact with the other side of the tobacco industry - the impact it has on the natural environment and human survival.

In fact
The tobacco industry emits greenhouse gases equivalent to 84 million tonnes of carbon dioxide each year.
It causes climate change, reduces climate resilience, wastes resources and damages ecosystems.

About 3.5 million hectares of land are destroyed every year due to tobacco cultivation.
Deforestation for tobacco cultivation can lead to soil degradation and reduced yields, and the land's ability to grow other crops or vegetation will also be severely affected.

"Imagine a 12-year-old smoking 50 cigarettes a day."
About 90% of tobacco production is concentrated in developing countries.
Ruediger Krech, head of the WHO's health promotion department, told AFP that farmers who handle tobacco leaves all day consume nicotine equivalent to the nicotine in 50 cigarettes every day.
We've heard too much
"E-cigarettes are much less harmful than cigarettes"
"E-cigarettes can help you quit smoking"
"E-cigarettes have many flavors and there is no secondhand smoke..."
But is this really the case?

Several studies have shown
Vapes can expose your lungs to harmful chemicals, such as formaldehyde and acrolein, and toxic metal particles, such as chromium, nickel, and lead.
Goniewicz ML, Knysak J, Gawron M, et al. Levels of selected carcinogens and toxicants in vapour from electronic cigarettes. Tobacco Control. 2014; 23(2):133-139.
Olmedo P, Goessler W, Tanda S, et al. Metal concentrations in e-cigarette liquid and aerosol samples: the contribution of metallic coils. Environmental Health Perspectives (Online). 2018; 126(2).

Why You’re Quitting
There are many good reasons to quit vaping. Do you want to feel healthier? Save money? Knowing why you want to quit vaping can help you stay motivated and focused on your goal to become vape-free.Think about the things in your life that are important to you. Does vaping get in the way of what’s important? If you’re not sure, try asking yourself these questions:
- Is vaping affecting my health?
- Is vaping controlling my life?
- How does vaping affect the way I think and feel?
- How does vaping affect my relationships with my friends, parents, boyfriend/girlfriend, or other people important to me?
- How does vaping or thinking about vaping interfere with my schoolwork or grades?
- Are there activities that I used to enjoy that I don’t enjoy anymore because of vaping?
- Am I spending a lot of money to keep vaping?
- What am I looking forward to the most after quitting?